Sometimes, there comes a time in life when your dearest wish comes true. That was what happened to Prerna Maynil, a die-hard Deepika Padukone fan. Prerna got the opportunity of a lifetime when she was invited by the star to walk the Filmfare Red Carpet with her. And when Deepika won the Best Actress award that night, it was Prerna who shared the stage with her idol and saw the sparkles in her star's eyes. Prerna talks to Pinkvilla about this surreal experience and the details of that magical evening.
How did this opportunity to walk the red carpet along with Deepika Padukone come about?
I used to write a lot of fan mails to Deepika. Suddenly I got a reply from her, which was totally unexpected. Then I got a call from her team saying she is taking me to the Filmfare Awards.
How was the whole experience like?
Deepika made the whole experience a memorable one. I will sum up the whole experience in one word, "WOW".
We hear that you even wore her Van Heusen outfit. How did that happen?
Yes. It was Deepika's idea. She chose the dress & styled me from top to bottom. I wore her Van Heusen Limited Edition Dress.
Was Deepika any different from what you imagined to be?
No. She is the same person that I see in dreams. She is not that type of person who pretends to be one & is something else. She is very humble, sweet, caring & loving. Let me tell you something very frankly. When you are with Deepika, you are on the safest place on the earth. She will make ends meet to make you comfortable. And that's why I love her so much.
What did you guys talk about?
We interacted generally… Cannot sum it up and and I also want to keep the conversation personal.Did you interact with her sister & parents?
Yes. I interacted with them. They too are very down to earth. I touched their feet after coming down from the stage. Deepika's Father took very good care of me during the show.
How does Deepika inspire you?
It is said that in every individual's life there comes a person who inspires you a lot & makes you a better human being. In my life that person is Deepika Padukone. She inspires me to be a good human being, to care for people around us & not be afraid of failures. I was a short-tempered girl. But after she came into my life, I calmed down a little bit. It’s because of her that I am now focused in my life & know what my goals are & what I want from my life. She has brought certain stability in my life.
Any message to all Deepika fans?
Just keep supporting & encouraging her. And most importantly keep loving her. She is the best.