Having worked with most of the A-list actors Shahrukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Ranbir Kapoor and Akshay Kumar, actress Deepika Paukone is now keen on expanding her horizons. Next on her wish list are actors Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Hrithik Roshan, with whom she is keen on being paired with. Recently there were rumors about, Deepika having signed a movie with Aamir Khan, to be produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani, under their banner of, Excel Entertainment.However, Deepika denied the reports of having being signed for the movie. It seems that her fans will have to wait a little longer, before they get to see Deepika romancing the three superstars, on the silver screen.
Deepika’s next upcoming ventures are, ‘Happy New Year’, where she has been paired with SRK, for the third time. She has also completed shooting for Homi Adjania’s movie ‘Finding Fenny Fernadez’, where she Deepika has been pitched opposite some great actors like, Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur and Dimple Kapadia. This is Deppika’s second movie with Adjania, after ‘Cocktail’, where she received critical acclaim for her role as, bold and the outgoing girl, Veronica. Actor Ranveer Singh, with whom Deepika is alleged to be in relationship, plays her husband’s role in, ‘Finding Fenny Fernadez’.